
Our 2 lb. bags of single-origin coffee are micro-roasted and sent out every Friday from the Hudson Valley (NY) to anywhere in the USA.

Guatemala Finca Siquem Carlos Roldán Farm

LIGHT ROASTSweet - Clean - GentleBehind Finca Siquem lies the Roldan family. The farm was founded in 1921 and neglected for generations. In 2018, it underwent a revival under the leadership of the Roldan family, who acquired the farm from a family friend.Since its revival, Finca Siquem has been focused on specialty coffees. They sought the advice of agronomical engineers and received assistance from the National Coffee Association (ANACAFE). As a first step, the engineers recommended analyzing the soil and then creating a customized recipe for soil reconditioning.Finca Siquem in Guatemala is a significant player, spanning 355 acres in size. From the beginning, the Roldan family understood the climatic conditions of their region. As part of their revival project, they replanted coffee trees (removing a significant portion of them), built an artificial lagoon, a water treatment plant, and opted to preserve part of the farm with native trees.

Producer - Carlos RoldánElevation - 1500 - 1700 MASLVarieties - Caturra, Bourbon, MarsellesaProcess - Fully washed$50 / 32 oz.

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